Flea & Tick Treatment

Our Flea & Tick Program is Guaranteed

Pacific Pest Control's Flea & Tick Program comes with a 30-day guarantee.  Treatment of these pesky blood suckers come with a complete yard spray and if needed an interior treatment.  Follow-up treatments will be done at no extra cost if the initial treatment does not eliminate the entire infestation.  The insecticide that we use is safe for you and your pets so there is no need for a long-term evacuation.

Preparations before treatment
  1. If there is a pet, the animal needs to be bathed using a flea and tick shampoo or an equal alternative
  2. Lawn needs to be cut a few days before treatment
  3. Pets need to stay isolated until treatment is done and the insecticide is dry
Tips to avoid/reduce infestation
  1. Use a flea and tick shampoo on your pets on a regular basis
  2. Keep your grass cut short
  3. Isolate pets from stray animals or those that already have fleas or ticks
  4. Do not allow your pet to roam near areas other animals frequent
  5. Have your home treated quarterly as a preventive measure

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